Manuscript Assessment

The first step to getting your story in ship shape is getting it assessed. 

Before shelling out any money on editing services that focus on your story at the sentence level, you need to make sure that your story as a whole works.

Maybe you've just finished your first draft and you want to get some feedback from someone external before sending round to your friends and family for feedback. Or maybe you've sent it round to all your friends and family already and you've received positive feedback, but want someone who's unafraid of giving you constructive criticism.

Whatever the case, a manuscript assessment is a fantastic tool to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of your story, allowing you to fix problems with your story's foundation and putting you that bit further on the path to getting your book out into the world.

What this service includes:

  • Extensive comments on:

    • Point of view (POV) - e.g. third person omniscient, third person limited, first person

    • Pacing - are there any areas which feel underdeveloped and rushed over, or any scenes which feel superfluous and drag?

    • Character - do characters feel authentic, are they well developed, are they consistent?

    • Dialogue - is dialogue authentic? Is it necessary? Does it drag?

    • Plot - is there a strong plot throughout the story? Are scenes consistent with the plot? Are there any plot holes or plot devices?

    • Structure - do scenes unfold in a way that makes sense? Are chapters the right length? Is the timeline confusing?

The process

With this service you will receive one full read through of your manuscript/story, whereby I will comment in the document as I go along, providing you with real-time thoughts on the big-picture elements at various points in the story. 

After this read through, I will collate all of my feedback into an editorial report in which I will go in-depth into the areas listed above, with the benefit of knowing exactly how the story has panned out. This report will be 3-6 pages in length.

A manuscript assessment will not focus immediately on the small details that are involved in copyediting and proofreading, but instead the larger picture.


I only critique manuscripts within the following genres:

  • Fantasy (MG and Adult)

  • Science Fiction (Adult)

  • Contemporary Fiction (Adult)

  • Contemporary Romance/Women's Fiction (Adult)

  • Mystery/Thriller (Adult)

  • Historical Fiction (Adult)


£7.00 per 1000 words